What I Buy At Trader Joe's


What’s Up Classmates,

Trader Joe’s is my favorite place to shop for unique everyday and specialty grocery items. If you have never shopped at TJ’s it is a grocery store that specializes in great customer service and providing healthy and creative ingredients and products at a low cost. They have their own line of products that are flavorful, healthy and good quality A couple of weeks ago, I went to TJ’s here in New York City and racked up on some goods and I am sharing what I got with you!


I recently went to Trader Joe’s and stocked up! I am giving you all of the tea on the items that I purchased in my latest YouTube video. Click below to see what I got. Click here to find a Trader Joe’s location near you. If you are a Trader Joe’s shopper, let me know what you like to get from Trader Joe’s. I have provided you a list of the items I purchased below!

I leave you in love,peace and style,


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